Private Corporate Photography Course
Private Corporate Photography Courses in Dubai UAE

Service Description
1-1 Private Course - دورة خاصة فردية Corporate Photography is the Photography of employers or team members in a certain workplace! Photos can be taken of the team while standing, posing or doing their normal jobs. التصوير الفوتوغرافي للشركات هو تصوير أصحاب العمل أو أعضاء الفريق في مكان عمل معين! يمكن التقاط الصور للفريق أثناء الوقوف أو الوقوف أو القيام بوظائفهم العادية. * Course Duration: 3 Days - 2:30 Hours/day * Course Availability Timings: 10am-10pm 7 days a week * Course Contents: -Prepare the correct cameras and appropriate lenses -Principles of Corporate Photography - -Lighting basics, content, brightness - -How to blend strobe lights with ambient lighting -Lighting in offices and practical environments -External lighting -How to light with strobes, flash and umbrella -How to deal with reflections -Photoshop and image processing techniques مدة الدورة: 3 ايام - 2 ساعات و نصف كل يوم * الأوقات المتوفرة: 10صباحاً حتى 10 مساءً-7 أيام في الأسبوع * محتوى الدورة التدريبية: •إعداد الكاميرات الصحيحة والعدسات المناسبة مباديء تصويرالشركات - أساسيات الإ ضاءة٫ المحتوى٫ السطوع - • كيفية مزج الأضواء القوية مع الإضاءة المحيطة • الإضاءة في المكاتب و البيئات العملية •الإضاءة الخارجية •كيفية الإضاءة بالومضات, الفلاش و المظلة • كيفية التعامل مع الانعكاسات • تقنيات الفتوشوب و معالجة الصورة * All equipments and materials needed for this course will be provided by the academy for FREE until the end of the course. جميع الأدوات والأجهزة المطلوبة لإتمام هذه الدورة سوف يتم توفيرها بالكامل من الأكاديمية بالمجان وحتى نهاية الدورة. Additional Info: You will receive an official certificate from the academy معلومات إضافية: سوف تتلقى شهادة رسمية من الأكاديمية بعد إتمام الدورة التدريبية You can check our students previous work on our instagram page @moutasem_academy يمكنكم الإطلاع على أعمال طلابنا القدامى عبر صفحتنا على الانستغرام @moutasem_academy
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy This is the standard cancelation policy for our site and All bookings are Apply to these terms and conditions In case of cancelation before (48) hours of the booking time, the customer will receive a 100% refund. In case of cancelation in less (48) hours of the booking time, the customer will not receive any refund. Customer will have the right to reschedule your booking at your convenience within 3 months from your booking dates if he didi't start the course. If we cancel your booking for reasons outside of our control (Compelling circumstances) you will have the right to reschedule the Service at your convenience or request a full refund. A refund will take 15-25 day from your request We, and our Service Providers, may in our sole discretion, alter the cancellation policy on a case by case basis in order to accommodate you. If a booking was done in less than 48 hours then customer have request a cancellation, The customer will not receive any refund , but customer can pay 200 AED to choose another booking date in maximum 3 months if he didi't start the course yet. Once the customer have approved and start the course, he will not entitled to request any refund of the amount paid in the event of absence from lessons or unwillingness to complete the course. * The cost of rebooking an appointment in case of cancellation 24 hours in advance or absence is 200 AED If the trainee is more than 15 minutes late for the lesson, the reservation will be canceled. He must pay the re-booking fee of 200 dirhams to set a new appointment within 7 days from the date of cancellation. * In the event that you miss the course for 7 days without prior coordination with us, the course will be considered expired and completed, and you need to pay 400 dirhams within one month from the last date of booking the course to book a new appointment for the course again. After a full month has passed from the last date that the course is not activated and is considered complete and no claim is made for any refunds was paid. Once the customer have approved and start the course, he will not entitled to request a refund of the amount paid After a full month has passed from the last booking date, if the course is not activated and is considered complete and no claim is made for any refunds was paid.
Contact Details
Bayswater Tower
Dubai Photography Courses - MOUTASEM ACADEMY | Office 1005, Dubai - United Arab Emirates